The Board of Directors of Concerts in Care Ontario welcomes Catherine Chalmers and Nivy Kani to our organization. They are both dynamic women with fabulous new perspectives and a passion for both music and seniors.
Catherine Chalmers is a music graduate from both University of Southern California and Peabody Conservatory of Music. She was a professional orchestra musician for years before switching countries and careers to succeed in the fund development world with ShareLife, Plan International, United Way, and currently Canada Learning Code. Her approach combines strategy, passion, and a keen sense of language and nuance. We are very fortunate to have her knowledge and experience.
Nivy Kany graduated from the University of Toronto, double-majoring in Computer Science and Business Management. She is now an SWE @ Google. She has already commandeered a Waterloo-based Communications Committee for Concerts in Care, and we look forward to her energy, non-stop ideas, and organization!
Are you interested in discovering more about Board and volunteer opportunities with Concerts in Care Ontario? Write Alison Smith, Chair, at We would be happy to hear from you!