Since 2011, Concerts in Care Has Achieved

Concerts delivered by Concerts in Care Ontario

106,000 Live
180,000 Virtual
Seniors attended and listened to performances

paid musician engagements

CONCERTS IN CARE has given new meaning to the idea of “Concerts in the home.”
CiC brings professional musicians into seniors’ homes, long-term care, and assisted living facilities across Ontario, to bring the joy and stimulation of live music to our senior, and often frail, population who can no longer get to concert venues.
Since 2011, Concerts in Care Ontario has provided almost 1,200 concerts, touching 56,000 seniors’ audience members, and providing 2,400 performer engagements in Ottawa, Pembroke, Toronto, and Sudbury. In 2019, we will initiate concerts in London, ON.
Just wanted to let you know that today’s concert was absolutely amazing! The performers were excellent and had many of us on the edge of their seats. I just wanted to extend our thanks….it was a wonderful experience!
Miramichi Lodge (Pembroke)

WHY is Music Important for Seniors in Care?
Research shows that music is particularly beneficial for people struggling with a change of location, memory loss, and social isolation.
Listening to music helps them to remember familiar places and events and make associations with happy times through musical memories.
This is important because lifestyle changes can be isolating for seniors who have had to leave their facilities. CiC fills this gap with transformative live music.
Discover More About The Benefits Of Concerts in Residences
My residents enjoyed the performance and talked about it for days. I think they would love a repeat if the opportunity arises – they are so accustomed to “country” that they found the performance to be a delightful change. Several residents that don’t normally come down sat through it all. For me that says everything.
LaSalle Residence
Concerts In Care Needs Your Support!
Become a Donor
In order to deliver our high-quality musicians and excellent turnkey service to the vulnerable audiences who cannot access concerts otherwise, we turn to the private and public sectors for support. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation.
Become a Volunteer
If you love music, have an affinity for seniors, and time to spare for good works, we are looking for Concert Liaisons to attend concerts and ensure that both the facility and the musicians have a smooth experience so that our audiences have the best possible performances!